IELTS One Skill Retake is coming

IELTS is the most popular test for those looking to migrate to Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK and is globally recognised by more than 11,000 employers, universities, schools and immigration bodies.

Test takers of the world’s most popular high-stakes English language test, IELTS, will soon have access to a new feature to help them boost the score they need to achieve their global learning and career goals.

Initially launching on a small scale in limited cities, IELTS One Skill Retake will enable test takers to redo one of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking) if they did not achieve the score they aimed for the first time around.

Christine Nuttall from Cambridge University Press & Assessment said One Skill Retake is being introduced in response to test taker feedback. 

Starting March 2023, students will have the option of retaking the IELTS for one component if they did not get the desired score on the first attempt.

Currently, students must retake the entire test for all four modules: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. So, if a student wants to improve their band score, they will have to take the whole test again instead of only retaking the module.

“In any assessment, we recognise that test-takers can underperform for any number of reasons,” Ms Nuttall said. 

“IELTS One Skill Retake improves fairness by providing an opportunity to retake a single skill, if the test-taker feels their original performance was not representative of their language ability.”

More information on IELTS One Skill Retake will be shared closer to its launch. 

Read the latest update from our research team about IELTS One Skill Retake.  – IELTS Page

Article Last Updated 7 December 2022 on IELTS website

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